Saturday, January 17, 2015

COGNIZANCE of REALITY - Your Story, my Story and the Truth - That's Bullshit. It's Your reality, my reality and Reality.... Toxic People use quasi truths to promote their agendas


Seems that's really the goal in researching toxic family relationships.

Once the full meaning of detachment is exercised, Clarity simply arises.

I found myself amazed by realizations that before were mere puzzles and conundrums.

It goes like this:
  • The final contact - A closure that best fits the context.
  • No Contact - With any and all toxic people. Forever. 
  • Detachment - This mainly develops after the NC
  • Moving on - New relationships, new adventures..  Every interaction is a chance to practice healthy relating.
Tools for healthy relating:
  1. BOUNDARIES - Healthy boundaries
  2. Awareness - Monitoring one's own reactions and those of others
  • Listening - Listening to understand more so than to respond
  • Develop keenly all senses
  • Cognizance of reality - yours and others'. The idea of your truth, my truth, and THE truth used to leave me unsatisfied.  Now, I try to understand your reality, my reality, and reality. Truth has to be absolute. I mean what is... Is. What happened had to have happened. From anyone's point of view, without embellishments, Has to be what Happened. 

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