Monday, January 5, 2015


Triangulation is a big part of what drives dysfunctional relating.

We all know the telephone game that has kids in a little circle, and one whispers a short story in the ear of the next as they pass the story on until the last child in the circle has been informed.  The last person announces the story to the first and it inevitably is distorted - often not even recognizable. And of course on a smaller scale, this is what happens when we use this method of relating.

Narcissists know about this problem so they use it to promote their lies and devastation, while being able to remain free of suspision.

It is best not to use triangulation anyway, but to avoid playing into the narcissists evil intentions, it is essential.

Those who engage in this behavior with the narcissist are enablers and accomplices really in their deeds.

This is why when I went no contact with my NM, I had to sever any and all ties to friends, acquaintances, and relatives still involved with her.

This is like being in a glider when the pilot pulls the chord to release the glider from the towing plane and all goes completely light and silent.  It's a wonderful feeling of peace and calm.

After a while this feeling is normal everyday living and it becomes just a nice way to be - not such an unbelievable high.  It's just at first, you are so free from the bondage that you are totally cognizant of the feeling.

It is nice never having to wonder what drama is being created and how it's affecting my life.  There is no drama now and my life is only affected by my own choices today.

Boundaries, Choices, and Freedom - WOW

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